Result file overview

Full-result csv file descriptor

The following table provides a brief explanation of the parameters included in the full result csv file.

Note that columsn 1-38 are the same with the primary input file presented in a previous section. Similarly, columns 39-58 include the results of the calibration process that remain the same for all scenarios. These are excluded here.

The remaining columns are informed by the electrification analysis per se. They repeat as many time as the intermediate years of the analysis. Therefore, these columns are presented only once below and are (usually) accompanied by the identifier <year>.

# Column Unit Description
59 Pop<year> people Population in the specified year taking in to account the scenario parameterization (either low or high growth)
60 NewConnections<year> people Number of people to get electrified in the specified year; excludes population that is already electrified in the settlement (e.g. in partially electrified settlements or new population due to growth between the years of the analysis)
61 NumPeoplePerHH people Number of people per type of household (different for urban/rural)
62 Tier 1 to 5 Reflective targeted “tier” of electrification for the settlement; based on parameterization in each scenario
63 EnergyPerSettlement<year> kWh/year Total electricity demand (to be covered) in the settlement in the specified year; based on new connections and target
64 TotalEnergyPerCell kWh/year Total electricity demand in the settlement (already covered + to be covered)
65 MG_Hydro<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity for mini-grid hydro power in the settlement in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario; 99 indicates non availability of this resource
66 MG_PV<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity for mini-grid PV in the settlement in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario; 99 indicates non availability of this resource
67 MG_Wind<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity for mini-grid wind in the settlement in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario; 99 indicates non availability of this resource
68 MG_Diesel<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity for mini-grid diesel in the settlement in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario; 99 indicates non availability of this resource
69 SA_Diesel<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity for stand alone diesel in the settlement in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario; 99 indicates non availability of this resource
70 SA_PV<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity for stand alone PV in the settlement in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario; 99 indicates non availability of this resource
71 Minimum_Tech_Off_grid<year> name Name & type of off-grid technology that provides the lowest lcoe in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario
72 Minimum_LCOE_Off_grid<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity of the off-grid technology that provides the lowest lcoe in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studies scenario
73 Off_Grid_Code<year> 2 to 8 Code of electrifying off-grid technology in the specified year that provide the lowest lcoe; (2: stand-alone diesel, 3: stand-alone PV, 4: Mini-grid diesel, 5: Mini-grid PV, 6: Mini-grid Wind, 7: Mini-grid Hydro, 8: Hybrid Mini-grid)
74 Grid<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity for grid in the settlement in the specified year; if already electrified lcoe is equal to grid generating cost (input in the analysis) else lcoe reflects the marginal cost of grid extension; 99 indicates that grid lcoe was not estimated for the settlement (e.g. excluded from hashing process)
75 new_connections_household kWh/year Targeted electricity demand per household; new connections divided with number of people per household
76 MinimumOverall<year> name Name & type of technology that provides the lowest lcoe in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studied scenario
77 MinimumOverallLCOE<year> $/kWh Levelized cost of electricity of the technology that provides the lowest lcoe in the specified year; based on parameterization defined in the studies scenario
78 MinimumOverallCode<year> 1 to 8 Code of electrifying technology in the specified year that provide the lowest lcoe; (1: grid, 2: stand-alone diesel, 3: stand-alone PV, 4: Mini-grid diesel, 5: Mini-grid PV, 6: Mini-grid Wind, 7: Mini-grid Hydro, 8: Hybrid Mini-grid)
79 InvestmentCost<year> million $ Investment cost for electrification of the settlement in the specified year, by the selected technology; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
80 InvestmentCostLV<year> million $ Investment cost for LV line development in the settlement in the specified year; applicable for grid and mini-grid technologies; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
81 InvestmentCostMV<year> million $ Investment cost for MV line development in the settlement in the specified year; applicable for grid and mini-grid technologies; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
82 InvestmentCostHV<year> million $ Investment cost for HV line development in the settlement in the specified year; applicable for grid; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
83 InvestmentCostTransformer<year> million $ Investment cost for transformer development in the settlement in the specified year; applicable for grid and mini-grid technologies; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
84 InvestmentCostConnection<year> million $ Investment associated with fee connection costs in the settlement in the specified year; applicable for grid and mini-grid technologies; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
85 CapitalCapacityInvestment<year> million $ Investment cost directly associated with capacity additions in the settlement in the specified year; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
86 RecurringCosts<year> million $ Aggregated recurring costs (O&M, fuel) in the settlement in the specified year; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis
87 ElecStatusIn<year> 0,1 Electrification status of the settlement in the specified year, before the application of restrictions/limitations; 0: non electrified, 1: electrified
88 InvestmentCapita<year> million $ Investment cost per capita (new connections) for electrification of the settlement in the specified year, by the selected technology; costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis; value used to prioritize electrification in some cases
89 GridElecIn<year> 0,1 Grid electricity status in the specified year; 0: non-electrified 1: electrified by the grid
90 OffGridElecIn<year> 0,1 Off-grid electricity status in the specified year; 0: non-electrified 1: electrified by an off-grid technology
91 FinalElecCode<base year> 1 to 8 or 99 Code of electrifying technology in the specified year (1: grid, 2: stand-alone diesel, 3: stand-alone PV, 4: Mini-grid diesel, 5: Mini-grid PV, 6: Mini-grid Wind, 7: Mini-grid Hydro, 8: Hybrid Mini-grid, 99: not-electrified)
92 NewCapacity<year> kW Additional capacity required to electrify the settlement in the specified year, based on technological option selected.

Summary csv file descriptor

Summary files provide aggregated results (at national level) of key findings from the electrification analysis. The following table provides a brief explanation of those.


All investment costs are discounted to the base year of the analysis.

Variable Data Type Units Description
Population<technology><year> Integer people Total Population electrified by the specified <technology> in the specified <year>
NewConnections<technology><year> Integer people Population that gains access through the specified <technology> in the specified <year> (not electrified before)
Capacity<technology><year> Float kW Added Capacity to related to the specified <technology> in the specified <year>
Investment<technology><year> Float USD Total investment required to deploy the specified <technology> in the specified <year>
InvestmentLV<technology><year> Float USD Investment related to the development of LV lines required by specified <technology> in the specified <year> (for grid extension and mini-grids)
InvestmentMV<technology><year> Float USD Investment related to the development of MV lines required by specified <technology> in the specified <year> (for grid extension and mini-grids)
InvestmentHV<technology><year> Float USD Investment related to the development of HV lines required by specified <technology> in the specified <year> (for grid extension)
InvestmentTrans<technology><year> Float USD Investment related to the development of sub-stations and/or transformers required by specified <technology> in the specified <year> (for grid extension and mini-grids)
InvestmentCon<technology><year> Float USD Investment related to connection fees required by specified <technology> in the specified <year> (for grid extension and mini-grids)
InvestmentCap<technology><year> Float USD Investment related (only) to the capacity additions required by specified <technology> in the specified <year>
RecurringCosts<technology><year> Float USD Sum of recurring costs related to O&M and fuel for the specified <technology> in the specified <year>